

Purple Ice super kvs

38,72 24,39
Prijs excl. btw: 20,16
U bespaart: 37%
6 stuks

Veel motoren overlijden vroegtijdig door een te hoog oplopende temperatuur. Purple Ice is een high performance, synthetische, radiator koelvloeistof additief. Het vermindert de motor warmte door vermindering van de oppervlaktespanning van de radiator vloeistoffen voor een betere warmte-overdracht. Hoewel we moeten toegeven dat het klinkt als een tell-sell commercial kunnen we bevestigen dat het echt werkt. RP Ice is gemaakt om corrosie in het koelsysteem tegen te gaan en werkt het best in combinatie met water.

Slechts een kleine hoeveelheid kan al voor een aanzienlijke verschil in temperatuur zorgen. Ideaal voor het circuit of hitte-gevoelige motoren.

Bij mengen met water - 0.06 liter RP Ice per liter water

Bij mengen met koelvloeistof - 0.03 liter RP Ice per liter kvs

1 flesje bevat 0.35 liter RP Ice

Purple Ice bevordert een optimale koeling door te helpen tegen de vorming van kalkaanslag in de radiator. Ook smeert het de waterpomp afdichtingen.

Purple Ice moet altijd worden gebruikt in combinatie met antivries in regio's waar temperaturen onder het vriespunt komen. Purple Ice wordt aanbevolen voor elke water / glycol koelsysteem onder druk, ook die met behulp van de traditionele groene silicaat gebaseerde glycolen of de nieuwere OAT of HOAT op basis van glycolen.


The new formulation is an evolution of the popular coolant additive that now includes “Next-Gen” technology. This makes it the most advanced product of its kind on the market for lowering engine temperatures and protecting against engine build-up.
Purple Ice outperformed all competitive products compared in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) certified coolant corrosion tests and temperature reduction dyno tests.  Purple Ice’s formulation is adapted from ingredients that provide demanding industrial heat exchangers with advanced cooling and corrosion protection.
Whether racing, towing a vehicle or just driving in a day-to-day commute, warm summer temperatures can put an increased strain on the cooling system of an engine and make it prone to overheating.  Purple Ice, which is billed as a 2-in-1 corrosion inhibitor and wetting agent, is safe for use in both aluminum and iron blocks and is proven to counter the effects of load and high summer temperatures on a vehicle’s engine.  In fact, independent tests have shown Purple Ice lowers operating temperatures on average 7-10 degrees when added to a 50/50 mix of coolant and water, and 15-25 degrees when added to straight water.
As a wetting agent, Purple Ice does its job by reducing the surface tension of liquid and allowing a better interface between the hot metal components of a vehicle engine and the coolant, which helps the liquid to drain heat away from the engine and lower engine operating temperatures.
The addition of Purple Ice to an engine is particularly beneficial for high performance racing applications where the use of glycol based anti-freeze coolant is not allowed. When added to water, owners get the best of both worlds. Water has a much higher capacity to transfer heat when compared to traditional anti-freeze, but does not have any of the corrosion protection that glycol-based coolants provide. A mixture of Purple Ice and water provide owners with 100 percent corrosion protection, enhanced heat transfer capabilities and compliance with racetrack rules prohibiting the use of anti-freeze.
Unlike other similar products, Purple Ice is 100 percent water soluble and leaves behind no film or build-up on the internal structures of the engine. In fact, Purple Ice contains powerful polymer-based dispersants that prevent the formation of gels and other deposits within a vehicle’s cooling system that can build-up with the use of traditional coolant mixtures.

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